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Safe space for people with disabilities.

Safe space for people with disabilities.

From 2007, we have been trying to help disabled people with their entry into the labour market. We perform various small manual activities for our customers and thus we can provide tax benefits to large companies with more than 25 employees acording czech law system.

We sew, fold, assemble.

For our clients, we handcraft items, fold, bend plastic parts and glue various packaging. In our sewing workshop we can construct and sew promotional items, bags and mascots according to the client's wishes. We process common textiles, leather, felt and rubber. We glue and repair by hand using simple planchet tools for cutting, laminating, coating and other light manual activities.

Providing fair jobs for people with disabilities

More than 80% of our employees are persons with disabilities, which enables us to provide substitute services to our customers. We do this by purchasing goods or services within the meaning of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, as amended, supplemented by Decree No. 518/2004.